Central y SurAmerica Moto Adventure - Ecuador
by Todd Peer

Octobre 2002 - Abril 2003

    Home | The Plan | Ride Report | Special Events | The Riders

    December 09, 2002: Ingapirca

    Odometer: 16,820

    Our goal for today was to visit the ruins of Ingapirca, easily the most important Incan ruins in Ecuador, and then head onto Cuenca for the evening. On arrival in Cańar I spotted a Visa bank. Hugh has not been able to get money out of any of the Ecuadorian banks with his Visa card so I suggested he try this one. As he was searching for his card he realized he left it, with his bike Title, in .... Riobamba! Arrrgh!

    It was around 2pm and it took us nearly 4 hours to traverse the twisty Panam Hwy for around 120 miles (some of that was picture taking). So we made a quick decision, find the Posada Ingapirca hotel (about 250m past the ruins), check in and he would high-tail it back to Riobamba, again, and take a decision to either stay the night or ride back to the hotel.

    He rode back. At night! Yikes.

    Not much else to say about today, but glad he/we are staged to continue bright and early tommorrow.

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This page last updated 12/03/2002